Version: 2018.4
Color Grading

Chromatic Aberration

The Chromatic Aberration effect mimics the effect a real-world camera produces when its lens fails to join all colors to the same point. The resulting effect creates “fringes” of color along boundaries that separate dark and light parts of the image.

Common uses for Chromatic Aberration include artistic effects such as camera impact, or intoxication effects. Unity provides support for red/blue and green/purple fringing, and you can define fringing colors by using an input texture.

Scene without Chromatic Aberration
Scene without Chromatic Aberration
Scene with Chromatic Aberration
Scene with Chromatic Aberration

For further information on how to use Chromatic Aberration in Unity, see the Chromatic Aberration documentation in the Post-Processing package.

Color Grading
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