Version: 2018.4
Loading UXML from C#

UXML Elements Reference

This topic details the UXML elements available in the UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements and UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements namespaces.

Base elements


Base class for all visual elements.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • class: a list of space separated names
    • style: USS directives for styling the element
    • name: a unique string identifier for this element
    • focus-index: an integer used to determine the focus order when tabbing; default value is -1 meaning that the element is not focusable
    • picking-mode: Position or Ignore; default value is Position
    • tooltip: a string displayed when the mouse hovers the element
    • slot-name: defines this elements as a slot
    • slot: when the element is inside an <Instance>, move the element inside the slot referenced by this attribute
    • also accept any other attribute


An element that can be bound to a SerializedProperty. The value of the property and the value displayed are synchronized.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
    • binding-path: the path of the property this element is bound to



Similar to VisualElement but draws a box around its content.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement


An element that displays text.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
    • text: the text displayed by the element


A text label.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of TextElement


Displays an image.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement


Elements that draws IMGUI content.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
      • focus-index default value is 0


Element that has a toggle button to show or hide its content.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement



A reference to another UXML template that can be instantiated using the Instance element.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • name: a unique string identifier for this element
    • path: the path of the UXML file to load


Instance of a Template.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • template: the name of the Template to instantiate



A standard push button.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of TextElement


A button that executes an action repeatedly while pressed.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of TextElement
    • delay: the initial delay in milliseconds before the action is executed; default value is 0
    • interval: the interval in milliseconds between each action repetition; default value is 0


A toggle button (checkbox).

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • label: the text label for the toggle
    • value: a boolean indicating whether the toggle in on or off.


A scroll bar.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
    • low-value: minimum value of the scroller
    • high-value: maximum value of the scroller
    • direction: Horizontal or Vertical; default is Vertical
    • value: the position of the scroller cursor


A button at the end of a scroll bar.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
    • delay: the initial delay in milliseconds before the action is executed; default value is 0
    • interval: the interval in milliseconds between each action repetition; default value is 0


A slider.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
    • low-value: minimum value of the slider
    • high-value: maximum value of the slider
    • direction: Horizontal or Vertical; default is Vertical
    • page-size: page size of the slider
    • value: the position of the slider cursor


A slider for integer values.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
    • low-value: minimum value of the slider
    • high-value: maximum value of the slider
    • direction: Horizontal or Vertical; default is Vertical
    • page-size: page size of the slider
    • value: the position of the slider cursor


A slider that let the user specify a minimum and a maximum value.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
    • low-limit: minimum value of the scroller
    • high-limit: maximum value of the scroller
    • min-value: the minimum value of the slider cursor
    • max-value: the maximum value of the slider cursor


A field that can only take the string values of an underlying Enum.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • type: required, a string representing the C# type of the underlying Enum
    • value: a string representing the value of the field


A popup menu that enables the user to select a group of values.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • choices: a comma separated list of up to 32 choices to display in the popup menu
    • value: an integer representing the value of the field as a 32 bits mask.


A popup menu that enables the user to select a layer.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: an integer representing the value of the field (the selected layer number).


A popup menu that enables the user to select a group of layers.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of MaskField


A popup menu that enables the user to select a tag.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: a string representing the value of the field (the selected tag name).

Text input


An editable text field.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • text: the text value of the field
    • max-length: the maximum number of characters that the field can contains. Default value of -1 sets no limits on the text length.
    • password: a boolean indicating whether the field content should be shown (false, the default) or displayed using the maskCharacter character.
    • mask-character: character used to display the field content when password is true. Default is the character *.
    • multiline: a boolean indicating whether the text field displays its text on multiple lines (true) or on a single line, ignoring any line break in the text (false, the default).


A text field accepting an integer (32 bits) value.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: the value of the field
    • text: the text value of the field
    • max-length: the maximum number of characters that the field can contains. Default value of -1 sets no limits on the text length.
    • password: a boolean indicating whether the field content should be shown (false, the default) or displayed using the maskCharacter character.
    • mask-character: character used to display the field content when password is true. Default is the character *.


A text field accepting a long integer (64 bits) value.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: the value of the field
    • text: the text value of the field
    • max-length: the maximum number of characters that the field can contains. Default value of -1 sets no limits on the text length.
    • password: a boolean indicating whether the field content should be shown (false, the default) or displayed using the maskCharacter character.
    • mask-character: character used to display the field content when password is true. Default is the character *.


A text field accepting a single precision floating point value.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: the value of the field
    • text: the text value of the field
    • max-length: the maximum number of characters that the field can contains. Default value of -1 sets no limits on the text length.
    • password: a boolean indicating whether the field content should be shown (false, the default) or displayed using the maskCharacter character.
    • mask-character: character used to display the field content when password is true. Default is the character *.


A text field accepting a double precision floating point value.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: the value of the field
    • text: the text value of the field
    • max-length: the maximum number of characters that the field can contains. Default value of -1 sets no limits on the text length.
    • password: a boolean indicating whether the field content should be shown (false, the default) or displayed using the maskCharacter character.
    • mask-character: character used to display the field content when password is true. Default is the character *.


A set of two text fields accepting floating point values to edit the value of a Vector2.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the X coordinate
    • y: the value of the Y coordinate


A set of two text fields accepting integer values to edit the value of a Vector2Int.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the X coordinate
    • y: the value of the Y coordinate


A set of three text fields accepting floating point values to edit the value of a Vector3.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the X coordinate
    • y: the value of the Y coordinate
    • z: the value of the Z coordinate


A set of three text fields accepting integer values to edit the value of a Vector3Int.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the X coordinate
    • y: the value of the Y coordinate
    • z: the value of the Z coordinate


A set of four text fields accepting floating point values to edit the value of a Vector4.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the X coordinate
    • y: the value of the Y coordinate
    • z: the value of the Z coordinate
    • w: the value of the W coordinate


A set of four text fields accepting floating point values to edit the value of a rectangle.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the top left corner X coordinate
    • y: the value of the top left corner Y coordinate
    • w: the width of the rectangle
    • h: the height of the rectangle


A set of four text fields accepting integer values to edit the value of a rectangle.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • x: the value of the top left corner X coordinate
    • y: the value of the top left corner Y coordinate
    • w: the width of the rectangle
    • h: the height of the rectangle


A set of six text fields accepting floating point values to edit the value of a bounding rectangle.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • cx: the value of the center X coordinate
    • cy: the value of the center Y coordinate
    • cz: the value of the center Z coordinate
    • ex: the value of the extent X coordinate
    • ey: the value of the extent Y coordinate
    • ez: the value of the extent Z coordinate


A set of six text fields accepting integer values to edit the value of a bounding rectangle.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • px: the value of the center X coordinate
    • py: the value of the center Y coordinate
    • pz: the value of the center Z coordinate
    • sx: the value of the extent X coordinate
    • sy: the value of the extent Y coordinate
    • sz: the value of the extent Z coordinate

Complex widgets


A label and a field to edit a value.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • binding-path: the path of the property this element is bound to
    • label: the label for the field


A color picker field.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • value: the color value, as a Color
    • show-eye-dropper: a boolean indicating whether to show (true, the default) the eye dropper or not (false).
    • show-alpha: a boolean indicating whether to show the alpha control (true, the default) or not (false)
    • hdr: a boolean indicating whether to use the high dynamic range color picker (true) or the normal one (false, the default)


A curve editor field.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0


A gradient editor field.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0


An object selector field.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement
      • focus-index default value is 0
    • allow-scene-objects: a boolean indicating whether objects from the scene can be selected (true, the default) or not (false)


An element that displays a property in an inspector window.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of BindableElement



A container to hold toolbar items.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement


A button for the toolbar.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of Button


A toggle for the toolbar.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of Toggle


A drop down menu for the toolbar. The menu has a single arrow pointing down.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of TextElement


A popup menu for the toolbar. The menu has a two arrows pointing up and down.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of TextElement


A search field for the toolbar.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement


A search field with a popup menu of search options.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of ToolbarSearchField


An element that insert a fixed amount of whitespace between toolbar buttons.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement


Elements that insert a flexible whitespace between toolbar buttons.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement

Views and windows


Displays a list of elements.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: none
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
    • item-height: the height in pixel of each item in the list


A scrollable view, with horizontal and vertical scrollers.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement
    • show-horizontal-scroller: a boolean indicating whether to show the horizontal scroller; default false
    • show-vertical-scroller: a boolean indicating whether to show the vertical scroller; default `false
    • horizontal-page-size: page size value of the horizontal scroller
    • vertical-page-size: page size of the vertical scroller
    • stretch-content-width: a boolean indicating whether the content should stretch to the width of the view


A UIElements window, displayed on top of other content.

  • In UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of TextElement


A container that allow user to resize its children by dragging a split bar.

  • In UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements
  • Permitted child elements: any number of VisualElement
  • Attributes:
    • all attributes of VisualElement

Loading UXML from C&#35;
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