Version: 2019.1
Unity IAP Xiaomi integration guide
Implementing a Store

Unity Channel SDK and API extensions

Unity Channel API

UnityEngine.Store namespace

AppInfo class

The AppInfo class stores client and Xiaomi credentials needed for client-to-server communication and authentication.

Key: Type: Description:
appID строка Xiaomi app ID
appKey строка Xiaomi app key
clientID строка Unity client ID
clientKey строка Unity client key
debug bool Toggle debug mode

ILoginListener interface

Xiaomi requires login through the ILoginListener for all apps publishing to the Mi Game Center.

Key: Type: Description:
OnInitialized () void Called when initialization succeeds
OnInitializedFailed (string message) void Called when initialization fails
OnLogin () void Called when login succeeds
OnLoginFailed (string message) void Called when login fails

StoreService class

Unity IAP uses the StoreService class internally to initialize the Unity Channel SDK.

Key: Type: Description:
static Initialize (AppInfo appInfo, ILoginListener loginListener) void Initialize the Unity Channel SDK
static Login (AppInfo appInfo, ILoginListener loginListener) void Login to the Xiaomi account

UserInfo class

A successful login to Unity Channel returns the UserInfo class. The data returned is for informational purposes.

Key: Type: Description:
channel строка Indicates which channel you are using (currently, it is only “XIAOMI”)
userID строка Channel’s unique user ID
userLoginToken строка Validate the user login (see Server-side initialization section of Xiaomi IAP integration guide)

UnityEngine.ChannelPurchase namespace

IPurchaseListener interface

Unity IAP uses the IPurchaseListener interface internally to handle purchasing activities.

Implement the IPurchaseListener class to handle states of the purchase flow:

using UnityEngine.ChannelPurchase;
private class ExamplePurchaseListener : IPurchaseListener{
    public void OnPurchase (PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo){
        Debug.Log ("Purchase Succeed: " + purchaseInfo.gameOrderId);
    public void OnPurchaseFailed (string message, PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo){
        Debug.Log ("Purchase Failed: " + message);
    public void OnPurchaseRepeated(string productCode){
        Debug.Log ("Purchase Repeated");
    public void OnReceiptValidate (ReceiptInfo receiptInfo){
        Debug.Log ("Validate Succeed");
    public void OnReceiptValidateFailed (string gameOrderId, string message){
        Debug.Log ("Validate Failed");
    public void OnPurchaseConfirm (string gameOrderId){
        Debug.Log ("Confirm Succeed");
    public void OnPurchaseConfirmFailed (string gameOrderId, string message){
        Debug.Log ("Confirm Failed");
Key: Type: Description:
OnPurchase () void Called when purchase succeeds
OnPurchaseFailed (string message, PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo) void Called when purchase fails
OnPurchaseRepeated (string productCode) void Called when non-consumable Products are re-purchased
OnReceiptValidation (ReceiptInfo receiptInfo) void Called when PurchaseService.ValidateReceipt (...) succeeds
OnReceiptValidationFailed (string gameOrderID, string message) void Called when PurchaseService.ValidateReceipt (...) fails
OnPurchaseConfirm (string gameOrderId) void Deprecated
OnPurchaseConfirm (string gameOrderId, string message) void Deprecated

PurchaseService class

Unity IAP uses the PurchaseService class internally to initiate purchasing activities.

With the purchase listener implemented, call the PurchaseService.Purchase method to execute a purchase transaction:

using UnityEngine.ChannelPurchase;
    var myPurchaseListener = new ExamplePurchaseListener ();
    PurchaseService.Purchase ("Product ID", "Game Order ID", myPurchaseListener);

Product IDs are listed in the Xiaomi developer portal. If your app runs in debug mode, Product IDs also export to the MiGameProductCatalog.prop file. Game Order ID can be null; the Unity Channel SDK will generate its UUID.

Key: Type: Description:
static Purchase (string productCode, string gameOrderId, IPurchaseListener productListener) void Purchase Products
static ValidateReceipt (string gameOrderId, IPurchaseListener purchaseListener) void Validate purchase
static ConfirmPurchase () void Deprecated (use ValidateReceipt (...) instead)

PurchaseInfo class

After a purchase, validate it by calling the PurchaseService.ValidateReceipt method:

    PurchaseService.ValidateReceipt(gameOrderId, myPurchaseListener);

If gameOrderId is valid, myPurchaseListener receives ReceiptInfo containing signData and signature, which Unity Channel uses to validate the purchase.

Key: Type: Description:
productCode строка A Product’s unique ID (you can also configure this directly in the Xiaomi dev portal)
gameOrderId строка The order’s purchase ID
orderQueryToken строка Used to validate purchases

ReceiptInfo class

Validation usually occurs on the game server, however you can also validate the signData client-side.

Key: Type: Description:
gameOrderId строка The order’s purchase ID
signData строка A JSON string containing details of the purchase
signature строка signData’s signature

Receipt validation and extensions API

Before continuing, please review documentation on Unity IAP receipt validation. Also see the UnityEngine.Purchasing Scripting API.

UnityEngine.Purchasing namespace

The IUnityChannelConfiguration and IUnityChannelExtensions interfaces offer extended functionality for unpacking app store receipts.

Perform local receipt validation by using the Unity IAP CrossPlatformValidator class (detailed in the Receipt validation documentation) and the IUnityChannelExtensions.ValidateReceipt method (detailed below) at the time of purchase.

Before implementing validation, enable receipt obfuscation for Xiaomi:

  1. Obtain your app’s Client RSA Public Key from your App Store Settings (see the App Store Settings section of the Xiaomi IAP integration guide), or from the Unity Client Settings dashboard.
  2. In the Unity Editor, enter the Unity Channel key into the Unity IAP Receipt Validation Obfuscator window (Window > Unity IAP > Receipt Validation Obfuscator). This window collects, obfuscates, and stores public keys in the Project for receipt validation purposes.
  3. In the Receipt Validation Obfuscator window, select Obfuscate Unity Channel Public Key to save the resulting UnityChannelTangle datafile to the Project.
The Unity IAP Receipt Validation Obfuscator window. Generates data classes in the project for use with the CrossPlatformValidator.
The Unity IAP Receipt Validation Obfuscator window. Generates data classes in the project for use with the CrossPlatformValidator.

IUnityChannelConfiguration interface

To automatically fetch the required receipt data from Unity Channel during purchase, set IUnityChannelConfiguration.fetchReceiptPayloadOnPurchase to true when initializing Unity IAP. This calls IUnityChannelExtensions.ValidateReceipt internally after a successful purchase (ideally when the PurchaseEventArgspurchasedProduct.receipt field triggers the IStoreListener.ProcessPurchase success callback).

Note: Setting the fetchReceiptPayloadOnPurchase flag to true incurs a network request to fetch the cryptographic receipt data after a successful purchase. If this second network request fails for any reason, the ProcessPurchase success callback receives a Product with an invalid receipt.

Passing purchasedProduct.receipt data through the CrossPlatformValidator.Validate API returns an IPurchaseReceipt, which is the fully validated receipt. If the result is empty, the validation failed. See the example below:

CrossPlatformValidator validator = new CrossPlatformValidator (GooglePlayTangle.Data(), AppleTangle.Data(), UnityChannelTangle.Data(), Application.identifier);

var result = validator.Validate(purchasedProduct.receipt);
Key: Type: Description:
fetchReceiptPayloadOnPurchase bool Automates Unity Channel receipt data collection during purchase

IUnityChannelExtensions interface

Use the IUnityChannelExtensions interface to confirm purchases and validate receipts. The callbacks for the above methods return a bool indicating success, a ‘signData’ string, and a ‘signature’ string (see section on ChannelPurchase.ReceiptInfo).

Note: ValidateReceipt () is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks; use the Client RSA Public Key for added security (see the App Store Settings section of the Xiaomi IAP integration guide).

Key: Type: Description:
ConfirmPurchase (string transactionID, Action<bool, string, string>, callback) void Collects purchase status for a prior purchase (used to review purchase history, especially for game interruption or network timeouts)
ValidateReceipt (string transactionID, Action<bool, string, string>, callback) void Validates the receipt for a given transactionID

UnifiedReceipt class

The UnifiedReceipt class contains store-specific transaction data that Unity IAP can interpret. See the example below on how to unpack a unified receipt string:

var unifiedReceipt = JsonUtility.FromJson<UnifiedReceipt>(purchEvtArg.purchasedProduct.receipt)
Key: Type: Description:
Payload строка Unity IAP’s wrapper for receipts that come back in different formats for different stores
Store строка The store on which the purchase occurred
TransactionID строка The unique transaction ID

UnityChannelPurchaseReceipt interface

Use the UnityChannelPurchaseReceipt to further unpack a unified receipt into a Unity Channel receipt. See the example below:

var ucReceipt = JsonUtility.FromJson<UnityChannelPurchaseReceipt>(unifiedReceipt.Payload)

Use this additional Unity Channel receipt data for informational purposes.

Key: Type: Description:
productID строка The unique ID of the purchased Product
transactionID строка The unique transaction ID
orderQueryToken строка The order query token

Store identification at runtime

To check if the Xiaomi app store is the active store in your game at runtime, use the boolean value provided by the following code snippet:

var module = StandardPurchasingModule.Instance();
bool m_IsUnityChannelSelected =
    Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android &&
    module.androidStore == AndroidStore.XiaomiMiPay;
Unity IAP Xiaomi integration guide
Implementing a Store
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