Version: 2019.1
public void Play (ulong delay= 0);


delayDeprecated. Delay in number of samples, assuming a 44100Hz sample rate (meaning that Play(44100) will delay the playing by exactly 1 sec).


Plays the clip.

Параметр задержки delay устарел, пожалуйста используйте вместо него более новую функцию PlayDelayed , которая задаёт задержку в секундах.

If AudioSource.clip is set to the same clip that is playing then the clip will sound like it is re-started. AudioSource will assume any Play call will have a new audio clip to play.

Примечание: AudioSource.PlayScheduled API обеспечит вам более точный контроль во время проигрывания аудиоклипа.

using UnityEngine;

// The Audio Source component has an AudioClip option. The audio // played in this example comes from AudioClip and is called audioData.

[RequireComponent(typeof(AudioSource))] public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { AudioSource audioData;

void Start() { audioData = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); audioData.Play(0); Debug.Log("started"); }

void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 70, 150, 30), "Pause")) { audioData.Pause(); Debug.Log("Pause: " + audioData.time); }

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 170, 150, 30), "Continue")) { audioData.UnPause(); } } }

See Also: Stop, Pause, clip и PlayScheduled функции.

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