Version: 2019.1
Method group is Obsolete


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Obsolete public AudioClip audioClip ;


MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer.

Returns the AudioClip belonging to the MovieTexture. Note that this is a special AudioClip which will always play its audio synchronized to the movie. If you attach a Movie's audioClip to a source in the editor, it will start playing automatically when the movie is playing, Otherwise you'll have to start it manually when you start the movie. The clip can only be attached to one single AudioSource.

See Also: Play, DownloadHandlerMovieTexture.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;

[RequireComponent(typeof(GUITexture))] [RequireComponent(typeof(AudioSource))] public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public string url = ""; IEnumerator Start() { var uwr = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetMovieTexture(url); MovieTexture movieTexture = DownloadHandlerMovieTexture.GetContent(uwr); while (!movieTexture.isReadyToPlay) { yield return null; } GUITexture gt = GetComponent<GUITexture>(); gt.texture = movieTexture; transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); transform.position = new Vector3(0.5F, 0.5F, 0); Rect inset = gt.pixelInset; inset.xMin = -movieTexture.width / 2; inset.xMax = movieTexture.width / 2; inset.yMin = -movieTexture.height / 2; inset.yMax = movieTexture.height / 2; gt.pixelInset = inset; AudioSource aud = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); aud.clip = movieTexture.audioClip; movieTexture.Play(); aud.Play(); } }
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