Version: 2019.2
public bool Play (PlayMode mode= PlayMode.StopSameLayer);
public bool Play (string animation, PlayMode mode= PlayMode.StopSameLayer);


Plays an animation without blending.

If no name is supplied then the default animation will be played. In cases where the animation can not be played (for example when there is no default animation or no animation with the specified name), the function will return false. The optional PlayMode lets you choose how this animation will affect others already playing.

If the specified animation is already playing then other animations will be stopped but the animation will not rewind to the beginning. When the end of the animation is reached it will automatically be stopped and rewound to the start unless the PlayMode is set to Loop. If Animation.Play is called on an object during a frame update where the object is also deactivated then the call will effectively be cancelled. The animation will not start playing when the object is later reactivated. However, if a call on a subsequent frame (while the object is still inactive) then the animation will start playing after reactivation.

To use Animation.Play the animation data must be visible in the Inpsector window. This window contains all animations for a GameObject in an array. As an example two animations jump and spin are stored in the Animations list. Animation.Play can play each of these animations. Animation can also combine animations. An (unsupported and undocumented) AnimationState.layer is used for this. For example leaving jump at layer zero and moving spin to layer 123 will allow them to be played together.

Animations must be marked as ‘Legacy’ in the Inspector for the animations to be found by this method. This option appears after switching the Inspector Window to ‘Debug’.

using UnityEngine;

// Animation.Play example. Let the S and J keys start // a spin or jump animation. Let Space play back spin and // jump at the same time. Let Z play spin and jump with // spin doubled in speed. // // Spin: rotate the cube 360 degrees in half or one second // Jump: bounce up to 2 units and down in one second // // Note: AnimationState.layer is no longer supported, but still exists.

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { private Animation anim;

void Start() { anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animation>(); anim["spin"].layer = 123; }

// double the spin speed when true private bool fastSpin = false;

void Update() { // leave spin or jump to complete before changing if (anim.isPlaying) { return; }

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { Debug.Log("Spinning"); anim.Play("spin"); }

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J)) { Debug.Log("Jumping"); anim.Play("jump"); }

// combine jump and spin if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { Debug.Log("Jumping and spinning"); anim.Play("jump"); anim.Play("spin"); }

// have spin speed reverted to 1.0 second if (fastSpin == true) { anim["spin"].speed = 1.0f; fastSpin = false; }

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) { Debug.Log("Jumping and spinning in half a second"); anim.Play("jump"); anim["spin"].speed = 2.0f; anim.Play("spin");

// we've used spin at a speed of two, now mark // the spin speed to revert back to one fastSpin = true; } } }
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