Version: 2019.2
public static string inputString ;


Returns the keyboard input entered this frame. (Read Only)

Only ASCII characters are contained in the inputString.

The string can contain two special characters which should be handled: Character "\b" represents backspace.
Character "\n" represents return or enter.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { public GUIText gt;

void Start() { gt = GetComponent<GUIText>(); }

void Update() { foreach (char c in Input.inputString) { if (c == '\b') // has backspace/delete been pressed? { if (gt.text.Length != 0) { gt.text = gt.text.Substring(0, gt.text.Length - 1); } } else if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) // enter/return { print("User entered their name: " + gt.text); } else { gt.text += c; } } } }
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