Version: 2019.4

Ambient Occlusion

The Ambient Occlusion post-processing effect darkens creases, holes, intersections and surfaces that are close to each other. In the real world, such areas tend to block out or occlude ambient light, so they appear darker. Unity approximates Ambient Occlusion in real time as a full-screen post-processing effect.

The Ambient Occlusion effect is time-consuming, so it’s more suited for use on desktop or console hardware. Its impact on processing time depends on screen resolution and effects properties.

Scene without Ambient Occlusion. Note the differences at geometry intersections.
Scene without Ambient Occlusion. Note the differences at geometry intersections.
Scene with Ambient Occlusion.
Scene with Ambient Occlusion.

For further information on using Ambient Occlusion, refer to the Ambient Occlusion documentation in the Post Processing package.

  • 2019–05–07 Page published

  • New feature in 5.6

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