Блок Pass вызывает один проход рендеринга геометрии объекта.
Pass { [Name and Tags] [RenderSetup] }
Простая команда pass содержит необязательный список команд настройки рендера и необязательный список текстур для использования.
Внутри блока Pass можно указать его имя Name и набор тэгов Tags - строк имен параметров и из значений, которые обеспечивают взаимодействия логики шейдера с системой рендеринга.
A Pass sets up various states of the graphics hardware, such as whether alpha blending should be turned on or whether depth testing should be used.
The commands are as follows:
Cull Back | Front | Off
Set polygon culling mode.
ZTest (Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always)
Set depth buffer testing mode.
ZWrite On | Off
Set depth buffer writing mode.
Offset OffsetFactor, OffsetUnits
Устанавливает смещение глубины в z-буфере. См. Cull and Depth page
Устанавливает режим проверки глубины. См. Отсечение и глубина.
Blend sourceBlendMode destBlendMode
Blend sourceBlendMode destBlendMode, alphaSourceBlendMode alphaDestBlendMode
BlendOp colorOp
BlendOp colorOp, alphaOp
AlphaToMask On | Off
Sets alpha blending, alpha operation, and alpha-to-coverage modes. See documentation on Blending for more details.
Conservative True | False
Set conservative rasterization on and off. Before use, check for hardware support via SystemInfo.supportsConservativeRaster
ColorMask RGB | A | 0 | any combination of R, G, B, A
Set color channel writing mask. Writing ColorMask 0 turns off rendering to all color channels. Default mode is writing to all channels (RGBA), but for some special effects you might want to leave certain channels unmodified, or disable color writes completely.
When using multiple render target (MRT) rendering, it is possible to set up different color masks for each render target, by adding index (0–7) at the end. For example, ColorMask RGB 3
would make render target #3 write only to RGB channels.
A number of commands are used for writing legacy “fixed-function style” Shaders. This is considered deprecated functionality, as writing Surface Shaders or Shader programs allows much more flexibility. However, for very simple Shaders, writing them in fixed-function style can sometimes be easier, so the commands are provided here. Note that all of the following commands are are ignored if you are not using fixed-function Shaders.
Lighting On | Off
Material { Material Block }
SeparateSpecular On | Off
Color Color-value
ColorMaterial AmbientAndDiffuse | Emission
All of these control fixed-function per-vertex Lighting: they turn it on, set up Material colors, turn on specular highlights, provide default color (if vertex Lighting is off), and controls how the mesh vertex colors affect Lighting. See documentation on Materials for more details.
Fog { Fog Block }
Устанавливает параметры тумана. См. Fog page
AlphaTest (Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always) CutoffValue
Включает проверку прозрачности (alpha testing). См. Alpha Testing page
После установки состояния рендера, вы можете указать используемые текстуры и способы их объединения используя команду SetTexture: SetTexture texture property { [опции объединения] }
SetTexture textureProperty { combine options }
Shader passes interact with Unity’s rendering pipeline in several ways; for example, a Pass can indicate that it should only be used for deferred shading using the Tags command. Certain passes can also be executed multiple times on the same GameObject; for example, in forward rendering the “ForwardAdd” pass type is executed multiple times based on how many Lights are affecting the GameObject. See documentation on the Render Pipeline for more details.
Существует также несколько специальных проходов, доступных для повторного использования уже реализованного функционала или создания различных высококлассных эффектов: