Version: 2020.1
AR Foundation
ARKit Face Tracking

ARCore XR Plugin



Provides native Google ARCore integration for use with Unity’s multi-platform XR API.
Supports the following features:
-Efficient Background Rendering
-Horizontal Planes
-Depth Data
-Hit Testing

Version information

Verified for Unity

Package version 3.1.8 is verified for Unity Editor version 2020.1.

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are available in Unity version 2020.1:

Documentation location: State Versions available:
com.unity.xr.arcore@4.1 compatible 4.1.0-preview.2, 4.1.0-preview.3, 4.1.0-preview.5, 4.1.0-preview.6, 4.1.0-preview.7, 4.1.0-preview.9, 4.1.0-preview.10, 4.1.0-preview.11, 4.1.0-preview.12, 4.1.0-preview.13, 4.1.1
com.unity.xr.arcore@4.0 compatible 4.0.0-preview.1, 4.0.0-preview.3, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, 4.0.8, 4.0.9
com.unity.xr.arcore@3.1 verified 3.1.0-preview.1, 3.1.0-preview.2, 3.1.0-preview.4, 3.1.0-preview.6, 3.1.0-preview.7, 3.1.0-preview.8, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.7, 3.1.8
com.unity.xr.arcore@3.0 compatible 3.0.0-preview.1, 3.0.0-preview.2, 3.0.0-preview.3, 3.0.0-preview.4, 3.0.1, 3.0.3, 3.0.4
com.unity.xr.arcore@2.2 preview 2.2.0-preview.1, 2.2.0-preview.2, 2.2.0-preview.6
com.unity.xr.arcore@2.1 compatible 2.1.0-preview.4, 2.1.0-preview.5, 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4, 2.1.8, 2.1.11, 2.1.12, 2.1.14
com.unity.xr.arcore@2.0 compatible 2.0.2
com.unity.xr.arcore@1.0 preview 1.0.0-preview.24


arcore , ar , augmented , xr , reality , core

AR Foundation
ARKit Face Tracking
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