
class in UnityEngine

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Details of all the human bone and muscle types defined by Mecanim.

Static Variables

BoneCountThe number of human bone types defined by Mecanim.
BoneNameArray of the names of all human bone types defined by Mecanim.
MuscleCountThe number of human muscle types defined by Mecanim.
MuscleNameArray of the names of all human muscle types defined by Mecanim.
RequiredBoneCountThe number of bone types that are required by Mecanim for any human model.

Static Functions

BoneFromMuscleReturn the bone to which a particular muscle is connected.
GetBoneDefaultHierarchyMassGets the bone hierarchy mass.
GetMuscleDefaultMaxGet the default maximum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees.
GetMuscleDefaultMinGet the default minimum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees.
GetParentBoneReturns parent humanoid bone index of a bone.
MuscleFromBoneObtain the muscle index for a particular bone index and "degree of freedom".
RequiredBoneIs the bone a member of the minimal set of bones that Mecanim requires for a human model?
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