Version: 2020.2
Realtime Global Illumination using Enlighten (deprecated)
Light Probes

LOD and Realtime GI

Enlighten is deprecated, and will soon be removed. As an alternative lightmapper, use the Progressive GPU Lightmapper (Preview) or Progressive CPU Lightmapper. Unity is developing a new solution for real-time global illumination. For more information, see the Unity blog.

Read this page before you use Realtime Global Illumination (GI) on models which use the LOD (level of detail) feature.

When you use Unity’s LOD system in a Scene with baked lighting and Realtime GI, the system lights the most detailed model out of the LOD Group as if it is a regular static model. It uses lightmaps for direct and indirect lighting, and separate lightmaps for Realtime GI.

To allow the baking system to produce real-time or baked lightmaps, select the GameObject you want to affect, view its Renderer component in the Inspector window, and check that Contribute Global Illumination is enabled.

For lower LODs in an LOD Group, you can only combine baked lightmaps with Realtime GI from Light Probes or Light Probe Proxy Volumes, which you must place around the LOD Group.

Whenever you use Realtime GI, the Renderer enables the Light Probes option for the lower LODs, even if you enable Contribute Global Illumination.

An animation showing how real-time ambient color affects the Realtime GI used by lower LODs
An animation showing how real-time ambient color affects the Realtime GI used by lower LODs

  • 2019–08–01 Page amended

  • Added Realtime Global Illumination in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Realtime Global Illumination using Enlighten (deprecated)
Light Probes
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