Version: 2020.2
FBX Exporter
Havok Physics for Unity

Game Foundation


Game Foundation core package.

This package contains the following components:
• Inventory System
• Virtual Currency Wallet
• Properties System
• Transaction System
• Reward System
• Core Systems

Note: CatalogManager now holds the reference to the catalogs at Runtime. Any runtime code that was previously written as
GameFoundationSettings.database.xCatalog should now be written as CatalogManager.xCatalog.
GameFoundation’s Initialization changed to take an IDataAccessLayer as an argument instead of a persistence object.

Note: Preview release, public API subject to change.

Version information

Experimental or in preview for Unity

These package versions might not be safe to use in production with Unity version 2020.2:

Documentation location: State Versions available: preview 0.8.0-preview preview 0.7.0-preview.4


unity , Game Foundation , Inventory , Wallet , Virtual Currency , Virtual Goods , Item Stats , Progression , Reward

FBX Exporter
Havok Physics for Unity
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