Version: 2021.1
Installing the Unity Hub
Installing Unity from the command line

Adding modules to the Unity Editor

Use the Unity Hub to add additional components to installations of the Editor that you originally installed using the Hub.

  1. Open the Hub.
  2. Select Installs.
  3. Find the Editor you want to add the components to.
  4. Click the three dots to the right of the version label, then select Add Modules. (NOTE: If you didn’t install the Editor via the Hub, you will not see this option. To enable this option, install the Editor via the Hub.)
  5. In the Add Modules dialog, locate the module to add and tick its checkbox.
  6. When you have selected all the modules to add, select Done.

  • Hub design updated in Unity 2019.1 NewIn20191
Installing the Unity Hub
Installing Unity from the command line
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