Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView

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Helper object that attaches a visual element next to its target, regarless of their respective location in the visual tree hierarchy.

The Attacher will monitor the position of the target and move the attached element accordingly.


alignmentRelative alignment between the attached element and the target.
distanceThe distance between the attached element and the target.
elementThe element that is attached to the target element.
offsetAn absolute offset added to the element position after placement.
targetThe target element.


AttacherAttaches a visual element next to its target, regarless of their respective locations in the visual tree hierarchy.

Public Functions

DetachStop monitoring the target element and postioning the attached element.
ReattachStarts monitoring target element position changes and places the attached element accordingly.
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