
class in UnityEditor.U2D

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SpriteAtlasAsset stores inputs for generating SpriteAtlas and generates atlas textures on Import.


isVariantChecks whether the Sprite Atlas Importer set the Sprite Atlas as a Variant.

Public Functions

AddAdd an array of Assets to the packable objects list.
GetPackingSettingsGets the current SpriteAtlasPackingSettings to use when packing SpriteAtlas.
GetPlatformSettingsGets the platform settings of the build target specified.
GetTextureSettingsGets the SpriteAtlasTextureSettings of packed Textures generated by this SpriteAtlasAsset.
RemoveRemoves objects from the Atlas's packable objects list.
SetIncludeInBuildDefines if the SpriteAtlas's packed Textures that the Importer generates are included in the build with the Sprite after packing is done.
SetIsVariantSets whether this Sprite Atlas is a Variant or not.
SetMasterAtlasSets an Atlas to be the Master Atlas.
SetPackingSettingsSets the SpriteAtlasPackingSettings to use when packing this SpriteAtlas.
SetPlatformSettingsSet the platform specific settings.
SetTextureSettingsSets the SpriteAtlasTextureSettings for the packed Texture generated by this SpriteAtlas.
SetVariantScaleSets the value used to downscale the Master's Texture.
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