Version: 5.6
Input types

Running your first application

Build your Project in Unity

  1. Configure your content. Create your Unity Project as normal.
  2. Configure File > Build Settings for HoloLens. See Set-up for details of these settings.
  3. Build your project in Unity. A successful build generates a Visual Studio solution containing your project and everything required to build and run on the device. An operating system window with the path to the solution should open automatically.

Run from Visual Studio

  1. Open the solution generated in step 3, above.
  2. Specify device details. Choose Release, x86, and Remote Machine. Enter the IP of the device to run on, select Universal (Unencrypted Protocol) for Authentication Mode.
  3. Build the solution in Visual Studio. If there are no errors and the destination device is unpaired, the build continues until it displays a dialog window. The dialog window for a pairing number.
  4. Pair with your HoloLens device:
    • On the device, choose Settings > Update (Device update, reset, developer) > For Developers > Pair which opens a dialog window containing a number.
    • Enter this number into the Visual Studio dialog window.
    • The window with the pairing number on the device should present a Done button when the device is paired. Use a zooming Tap gesture on this button to continue: press thumb and forefinger together with a closed hand and then extend thumb and forefinger.
  5. Deploy continues. Your application should now run.

NOTE: You should only need to pair once per machine, per device.

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