Version: 2019.4
Limitations on importing Models into Unity
Input Manager


Input allows the user to control your application using a device, touch, or gestures. You can program in-app elements, such as the graphic user interface (GUI) or a user avatar, to respond to user input in different ways.

Unity supports input from many types of input devices, including:

  • Keyboards and mice
  • Joysticks
  • Controllers
  • Touch screens
  • Movement-sensing capabilities of mobile devices, such as accelerometers or gyroscopes
  • VR and AR controllers

Unity supports input through two separate systems:

  • The Input Manager is part of the core Unity platform and available by default.
  • The Input System is a package that needs to be installed via the Package Manager before you can use it. It requires the .NET 4 runtime, and doesn’t work in projects that use the old .NET 3.5 runtime.

Note: As of Unity 2020.1, the Input System package is still in preview, so it’s not ready for use in production Projects. Some functionality is under development, and existing features might change with future updates.

Limitations on importing Models into Unity
Input Manager
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