Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.1 (Go to current version)
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public static method EndThreadProfiling(): void;
public static void EndThreadProfiling();


Frees the internal resources used by the Profiler for the thread.

The Profiler allocates memory to store information about a thread. To free that memory, call EndThreadProfiling(). Once called, the Profiler stops collecting any data on the thread. Calling this function on the main thread will produce an error.

#pragma strict
var sampler: CustomSampler;
function Start() {
	sampler = CustomSampler.Create("MyCustomSampler");
	var thread: var = new Thread(MyThreadFunc);
function MyThreadFunc() {
	Profiler.BeginThreadProfiling("My threads", "My thread 1");
	// Now samples will show up in the profiler timeline view
	for (var i: int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		// ...
	// Unregister the thread before exit
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using System.Threading;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { CustomSampler sampler; void Start() { sampler = CustomSampler.Create("MyCustomSampler"); var thread = new Thread(MyThreadFunc) { IsBackground = true }; thread.Start(); }

void MyThreadFunc() { Profiler.BeginThreadProfiling("My threads", "My thread 1"); // Now samples will show up in the profiler timeline view for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sampler.Begin(); // ... sampler.End(); }

// Unregister the thread before exit Profiler.EndThreadProfiling(); } }