Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public static Search.SearchProvider CreateGroupProvider(Search.SearchProvider templateProvider, string groupId, int groupPriority, bool cacheProvider);


templateProvider Search provider template to copy.
groupId New group id. This id is also used as the display name for the group tab if displayed in the ISearchView.
groupPriority Priority used to order the group tab in the ISearchView.
cacheProvider Ask the system to cache the provider in case the function gets called with the same ID later.


SearchProvider A new search provider that can be used temporarily for a given search session.


Copy of a search provider to create a new group copy.

This can be useful to base a new search provider on an existing one simply by replacing a few handlers. Note that this search provider will not be globally available, in example with SearchService.GetProvider.

static SearchProvider CreateDecalProvider()
    var assetProvider = SearchService.GetProvider("asset");
    var decalProvider = SearchUtils.CreateGroupProvider(assetProvider, "Decals", 0, true);
    decalProvider.fetchPropositions = EnumerateDecalPropositions;
    return decalProvider;
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