Version: 2023.1
  • C#


interface in UnityEditor.Search

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Search view interface used by the search context to execute UI operations.


contextReturns the current view search context.
currentGroupIndicates the current group that is selected by the user.
displayModeIndicates how the data is displayed in the UI.
filterCallbackCallback used to filter items shown in the list.
itemIconSizeDefines the size of items in the search view.
multiselectAllows multi-selection of items in the list/grid of items. If false, a user can only select a single item.
positionReturns the absolute position of the Search window.
resultsReturns the list of all search results.
searchInProgressIndicates that the search view is currently running a query and it has not yet completed.
selectCallbackCallback used to override a default Search behavior.
selectionReturns the selected items in the view.
stateReturns the view model state of the Search Window.
trackingCallbackCallback used to override the tracking behavior.

Public Methods

AddSelectionAdds new items to the current selection.
CloseCloses the search view.
ExecuteActionExecutes a Search action on a given list of items.
ExecuteSelectionExecute the default action of the active selection.
FocusMake sure the Search window is now selected to receive input from a user.
FocusSearchFocus the search text field control.
IsPickerIndicates if the search view is being used as an advanced search picker.
RefreshTriggers a refresh of the search view and refetches all the search items from enabled search providers.
RepaintRequests the search view to repaint itself.
SelectSearchPuts focus in the SearchView text field AND selects all the text inside the text field (if any).
SetColumnsSets the search view property table columns.
SetSearchTextSets the search query text.
SetSelectionUpdates the search view with a new selection.
ShowItemContextualMenuShows a contextual menu for the specified item.
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