
struct in UnityEngine.Animations


Implemented in:UnityEngine.AnimationModule


The humanoid stream of animation data passed from one Playable to another.

The AnimationHumanStream structure is passed through the animation Playable structures, like AnimationClipPlayable and AnimationMixerPlayable. They can be modified when used with an IAnimationJobPlayable, like the AnimationScriptPlayable.

The Playables implementing IAnimationJobPlayable take a custom C# job, which must implement IAnimationJob, and the AnimationHumanStream is then passed to its callbacks during the animation processing pass.

See Also: AnimationStream, AnimationStream.isHumanStream, and AnimationStream.AsHuman().


bodyLocalPositionThe position of the body center of mass relative to the root.
bodyLocalRotationThe rotation of the body center of mass relative to the root.
bodyPositionThe position of the body center of mass in world space.
bodyRotationThe rotation of the body center of mass in world space.
humanScaleThe scale of the Avatar. (Read Only)
isValidReturns true if the stream is valid; false otherwise. (Read Only)
leftFootHeightThe left foot height from the floor. (Read Only)
leftFootVelocityThe left foot velocity from the last evaluated frame. (Read Only)
rightFootHeightThe right foot height from the floor. (Read Only)
rightFootVelocityThe right foot velocity from the last evaluated frame. (Read Only)

Public Methods

GetGoalLocalPositionReturns the position of this IK goal relative to the root.
GetGoalLocalRotationReturns the rotation of this IK goal relative to the root.
GetGoalPositionReturns the position of this IK goal in world space.
GetGoalPositionFromPoseReturns the position of this IK goal in world space computed from the stream current pose.
GetGoalRotationReturns the rotation of this IK goal in world space.
GetGoalRotationFromPoseReturns the rotation of this IK goal in world space computed from the stream current pose.
GetGoalWeightPositionReturns the position weight of the IK goal.
GetGoalWeightRotationReturns the rotation weight of the IK goal.
GetHintPositionReturns the position of this IK Hint in world space.
GetHintWeightPositionReturns the position weight of the IK Hint.
GetMuscleReturns the muscle value.
ResetToStancePoseReset the current pose to the stance pose (T Pose).
SetGoalLocalPositionSets the position of this IK goal relative to the root.
SetGoalLocalRotationSets the rotation of this IK goal relative to the root.
SetGoalPositionSets the position of this IK goal in world space.
SetGoalRotationSets the rotation of this IK goal in world space.
SetGoalWeightPositionSets the position weight of the IK goal.
SetGoalWeightRotationSets the rotation weight of the IK goal.
SetHintPositionSets the position of this IK hint in world space.
SetHintWeightPositionSets the position weight of the IK Hint.
SetLookAtBodyWeightSets the LookAt body weight.
SetLookAtClampWeightSets the LookAt clamp weight.
SetLookAtEyesWeightSets the LookAt eyes weight.
SetLookAtHeadWeightSets the LookAt head weight.
SetLookAtPositionSets the look at position in world space.
SetMuscleSets the muscle value.
SolveIKExecute the IK solver.

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