Version: 2023.1
  • C#


struct in UnityEditor.Search

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Encapsulate all the runtime data needed to evaluate a root expression and all its parameters. This class contains the SearchContext that created the root SearchExpression and all the stack frames needed to evaluate all the nested SearchExpression.


currentCurrent SearchExpressionContext corresponding to the stack frame being evaluated.
framesThe stack of all SearchExpressionContext being evaluated.
itemsThe stack of SearchItems that have been yielded by each execution frame.
searchInitial SearchContext contaning the text that was used to parse the initial root SearchExpression.
validIs the current runtime valid. This means are there any SearchExpressionContext being evaluated.

Public Methods

PushPush a new SearchExpression with its arguments to be evaluated. This is useful if a user defined evaluator needs to generate a new Context of evaluation.
ToStringGet a string representation of the current SearchExpressionRuntime.
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