Version: 2023.1
  • C#


struct in UnityEditor.Search

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Structure that holds a view on a string, with a specified range of [startIndex, endIndex[.

A StringView contains only a reference to the original string, a start and an end index. It can be used to quickly create substrings or do any other operations that would return a contiguous subset of the original string, without actually copying the data.

Static Properties

emptyAn empty StringView.
nilA null StringView.


baseStringThe base string which this StringView references.
endIndexThe end index.
lengthThe length of this StringView.
startIndexThe start index.
this[int]Gets the character at a specified position in the current StringView.
validBoolean indicating if the StringView is valid.


StringViewConstructs a StringView over an entire string.

Public Methods

ContainsChecks if a character is contained in the StringView.
EndsWithChecks if the StringView ends with the character c.
EqualsChecks if the StringView is equal to the object.
GetEnumeratorGets a character enumerator over this StringView.
GetHashCodeGets the hashcode of this StringView.
IndexOfReturns the index of the first occurence of another StringView within this one.
LastIndexOfReturns the index of the last occurence of another StringView within this one.
StartsWithChecks if the StringView starts with the character c.
SubstringReturns a substring of the current StringView, starting at index start and until the end of the StringView.
ToStringConverts the current StringView into a string.
TrimReturns a new StringView in which all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of specified characters from the current StringView are removed.


boolImplicit boolean conversion operator.
operator !=The not equals operator.
operator ==The equals operator.
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