Version: 2023.1
  • C#


class in Unity.CodeEditor

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Handles interaction with the code editor.

Static Properties

CurrentEditorPathThe path to the external code editor that Unity uses used to open script assets.
EditorA singleton instance of CodeEditor. The Unity Editor references this instance to handle code editor callbacks.


CurrentCodeEditorReturns the current IExternalCodeEditor instance for the code editor.
CurrentInstallationReturns the current CodeEditor.Installation instance for the code editor.

Public Methods

GetCodeEditorForPathEach registered code editor package has an instance of IExternalCodeEditor. This method invokes IExternalCodeEditor.TryGetInstallationForPath on that instance. It returns the first instance that returns a valid installation.
GetFoundScriptEditorPathsCollects all installations from registered instances of IExternalCodeEditor. This is done using IExternalCodeEditor.Installations.
GetInstallationForPathEach registered code editor package has an instance of IExternalCodeEditor. This method invokes IExternalCodeEditor.TryGetInstallationForPath on that instance. It finds the first instance that returns a valid installation, and returns the installation.
SetCodeEditorSets the path to the code editor that Unity uses to open script assets.

Static Methods

OSOpenFileOpen an application with a quoted string of arguments.
ParseArgumentParse a string using the rules defined under External Tools.
QuoteForProcessStartQuotes a string to pass to Process.Start as a single argument, and appends it to this string builder.
RegisterRegister an instance of IExternalCodeEditor to use when populating Preferences/External Tools menu. Calls ref::Initialize if you select the instance.
UnregisterRemove an instance of IExternalCodeEditor from the list of registered code editors. Calls ref::Initialize if you select the instance.
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