Version: 2023.1
  • C#


struct in UnityEditor.AssetImporters

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Structure that represents the result from calling TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture.


importInspectorWarningsWarnings that should be shown in Inspector after generating a Texture.
importWarnings TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture reports warnings when you generate a Texture.
outputThis is a Texture generated by TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture based on the colorBuffer argument passed to that function. The actual texture type (2D, 3D, cubemap,..) depends on the TextureImporterSettings.textureShape settings of the generator.
sprites Sprites that are generated by TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture from TextureGenerationSettings.spriteSheetData.
textureThis is a Texture2D generated by TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture based on the colorBuffer argument passed to that function. If the generator is configured to generate a non-2D texture (cubemap, 3D, ...), this member will always be null. To get the result for an arbitrary texture type, please use the TextureGenerationOutput.output property. We recommend always using TextureGenerationOutput.output as the texture property will deprecated/removed in the future.
thumbNailThumbnail version of the generated texture. This may be null depending on the import settings. E.g. cubemaps will not return a thumbnail.
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