Version: 2017.2


public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync (string sceneName, SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode= LoadSceneMode.Single);
public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync (int sceneBuildIndex, SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode= LoadSceneMode.Single);


sceneName 要加载的场景的名称或路径。
sceneBuildIndex Build Settings 中要加载场景的索引。
mode 如果为 LoadSceneMode.Single,则系统将在加载场景之前卸载所有当前场景。


AsyncOperation 使用 AsyncOperation 确定操作是否已完成。



The given Scene name can either be the full Scene path, the path shown in the Build Settings window or just the Scene name. If only the Scene name is given this will load the first Scene in the list that matches. If you have multiple Scenes with same name but different paths, you should use the full Scene path. Examples of supported formats: "Assets/Scenes/Scene1.unity" "Scenes/Scene1" "Scene1"

Note that this is case insensitive.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { //Press the space key to start coroutine if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { //Use a coroutine to load the Scene in the background StartCoroutine(LoadYourAsyncScene()); } }

IEnumerator LoadYourAsyncScene() { // The Application loads the Scene in the background at the same time as the current Scene. //This is particularly good for creating loading screens. You could also load the Scene by build //number. AsyncOperation asyncLoad = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("Scene2");

//Wait until the last operation fully loads to return anything while (!asyncLoad.isDone) { yield return null; } } }
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