Version: 2023.2


public static AssetBundleCreateRequest LoadFromMemoryAsync (byte[] binary);
public static AssetBundleCreateRequest LoadFromMemoryAsync (byte[] binary, uint crc);


binary 包含 AssetBundle 数据的字节数组。
crc 未压缩内容的 CRC-32 校验和(可选)。如果该参数不为零,则加载前将内容与校验和进行比较,如果不匹配则给出错误。


AssetBundleCreateRequest Asynchronous load request for an AssetBundle. Use assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.


Asynchronously load an AssetBundle from a memory region.

Use this method to load an AssetBundle from an array of bytes asynchronously. This is useful when you have downloaded the data with encryption using UnityWebRequest and have the unencrypted bytes in memory instead of stored in a file.

LoadFromMemory 相比,该版本将在后台线程上执行 AssetBundle 解压缩,不会立即创建 AssetBundle 对象。

The content of the provided byte array is copied to create a temporary AssetBundle file in Memory, and that file is then loaded. Depending on the compression of the original AssetBundle, and the setting for Caching.compressionEnabled, this may also involve converting the content to LZ4 or uncompressed format. See AssetBundles compression for more details.

The following example shows how to use this method. Note, for the sake of keeping the example simple it reads the bytes from disk, which means it has no advantage over calling AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync directly.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { IEnumerator LoadFromMemoryAsync(string path) { AssetBundleCreateRequest createRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemoryAsync(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); yield return createRequest; AssetBundle bundle = createRequest.assetBundle; var prefab = bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("MyObject"); Instantiate(prefab); } }
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