Version: 5.6



遮挡纹理贴图通常由 3D 应用程序使用建模器或第三方软件直接从 3D 模型进行计算。


在其他情况下,生成正确的遮挡纹理稍微复杂一些。例如,如果场景中的角色穿着罩袍,则罩袍的内边缘应设置为非常低的间接光照,或者完全没有光照。在这些情况下,遮挡贴图通常将由美术师制作,使用 3D 应用程序基于模型自动生成遮挡贴图。

This occlusion map identifies areas on a characters sleeve that are exposed or hidden from ambient lighting. It is used on the model pictured below.
This occlusion map identifies areas on a character’s sleeve that are exposed or hidden from ambient lighting. It is used on the model pictured below.
Before and after applying an occlusion map. The areas that are partially obscured, particularly in the folds of fabric around the neck, are lit too brightly on the left. After the ambient occlusion map is assigned, these areas are no longer lit by the green ambient light from the surrounding wooded environment.
Before and after applying an occlusion map. The areas that are partially obscured, particularly in the folds of fabric around the neck, are lit too brightly on the left. After the ambient occlusion map is assigned, these areas are no longer lit by the green ambient light from the surrounding wooded environment.
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