OpenHarmony module allows you to call JavaScript code.
OpenHarmonyJSAPI | APIs that enable user to call OpenHarmony JavaScript from Unity scripting (C#). |
OpenHarmonyJSArrayBuffer | OpenHarmonyJSArrayBuffer is the Unity representation of a generic instance of a JavaScript array buffer. |
OpenHarmonyJSBase | OpenHarmonyJSBase is the parent of OpenHarmonyJSClass and OpenHarmonyJSObject. |
OpenHarmonyJSCallback | OpenHarmonyJSCalback is the Unity representation of a JavaScript Function. |
OpenHarmonyJSClass | OpenHarmonyJSCalss is the Unity representation of a generic instance of a JavaScript class. |
OpenHarmonyJSHelper | OpenHarmonyJSHelper helps to convert type between JavaScript and C#. |
OpenHarmonyJSObject | OpenHarmonyJSObject is the Unity representation of a generic instance of a JavaScript object. |
PermissionCallbacks | Contains callbacks invoked when permission request is executed using Permission.RequestUserPermission. |
Permission | Structure describing a permission that requires user authorization. |