class in UnityEditor.Experimental
Cambiar al ManualExperimental lightmapping features.
See Also: Lightmapping.
extractAmbientOcclusion | Writes out the filtered Ambient Occlusion texture to disk when the Lighting Data Asset is created and will be located next to the other lightmaps. This only works in On Demand mode and if Ambient Occlusion is turned on. Please note that the values from the direct and indirect exposure sliders are not applied. Currently not supported by the Progressive GPU lightmapper. |
probesIgnoreDirectEnvironment | If enabled ignores the direct contribution from the environment lighting in baked probes. |
Bake | Starts a synchronous bake job with influencers. |
BakeAsync | Starts an asynchronous bake job with influencers. |
GetCustomBakeResults | Retrieve the custom bake results. |
SetCustomBakeInputs | Set the custom bake inputs. |