To run custom code when Unity instantiates a new scene from a template, create a Scene Template Pipeline script and connect it to the template. Each time you create a new scene from the template, Unity creates a new instance of the pipeline script as well.
To connect the script to a template:
You can also use the SceneTemplateAsset.templatePipeline
method to connect the script to the template via C#.
A Scene Template Pipeline script must derive from the [ISceneTemplatePipeline
] interface or [SceneTemplatePipelineAdapter
]. It should implement the events you want to react to; for example, BeforeTemplateInstantiation
or AfterTemplateInstantiation
in the code below.
using UnityEditor.SceneTemplate;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class DummySceneTemplatePipeline : ISceneTemplatePipeline
public void BeforeTemplateInstantiation(SceneTemplateAsset sceneTemplateAsset, bool isAdditive, string sceneName)
if (sceneTemplateAsset)
Debug.Log($"Before Template Pipeline {} isAdditive: {isAdditive} sceneName: {sceneName}");
public void AfterTemplateInstantiation(SceneTemplateAsset sceneTemplateAsset, Scene scene, bool isAdditive, string sceneName)
if (sceneTemplateAsset)
Debug.Log($"After Template Pipeline {} scene: {scene} isAdditive: {isAdditive} sceneName: {sceneName}");
When you create a new scene from a template with cloneable dependencies, Unity performs several file operations. Most of these operations trigger Unity events that you can listen for, and react to, in scripts.
The instantiation sequence is as follows:
Unity triggers the ISceneTemplatePipeline.BeforeTemplateInstantiation
event for the template asset, and binds the asset to a ISceneTemplatePipeline
script that it triggers.
Unity triggers the SceneTemplate.NewTemplateInstantiating
Unity creates a new scene that is a copy of the template scene.
Unity creates a folder with the same name as the new scene, and copies all cloneable dependencies into that folder.
(on all GameObjects that implement it)EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened
Unity remaps references to all cloneable assets, so the new scene points to the clones.
Unity triggers the ISceneTemplatePipeline.AfterTemplateInstantiation
for the template asset, and binds the asset to a ISceneTemplatePipeline
script that it triggers.
Unity triggers the SceneTemplate.NewTemplateInstantiated