Version: 2020.2
Tópicos de legado
Windows Phone 8.1

Windows Store: Windows SDKs

Note that that from 2017.1 this documentation is out-dated. 2017–06–30

Unity allows you to target these Windows SDKs when targeting Windows Store:

  • Windows 8.1 (Corre en Windows 8.1 y posteriores)
  • Windows Phone 8.1 (Corre en Windows Phone 8.1 y posteriores)
  • Universal 8.1 (Corre en ambos Windows y Windows Phone 8.1 o posteriores)
  • Universal 10 (Corre en todo Windows 10 o dispositivos nuevos que son parte de la Universal Windows Platform)

  • 2017–06–30 Page amended
Tópicos de legado
Windows Phone 8.1
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