public bool enableOverlapRecovery ;


Enables or disables overlap recovery. Enables or disables overlap recovery. Used to depenetrate character controllers from static objects when an overlap is detected.

Overlap recovery can be used to depenetrate character controllers (CCTs) from static objects when an overlap is detected. This can happen in three main cases:

- when the CCT is directly spawned or teleported in another object

- when the CCT algorithm fails due to limited FPU accuracy

- when the "up vector" is modified, making the rotated CCT shape overlap surrounding objects

When activated, the CCT module will automatically try to resolve the penetration, and move the CCT to a safe place where it does

ya no se superponen a otros objetos. Esto sólo se refiere a objetos estáticos, objetos dinámicos son ignorados por la recuperación de superposición.

Cuando la recuperación de superposición no está activada, es posible que los CCT pasen a través de objetos estáticos. De forma predeterminada, la recuperación de superposición está habilitada.

La recuperación de Overlap (super posición) funciona con todas las geometrias excepto heightfields.

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