Version: 2020.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine





An object containing settings for precomputing lighting data, that Unity can serialize as a Lighting Settings Asset.

When the Unity Editor precomputes lighting data for a Scene that uses the Baked Global Illumination system or the Realtime Global Illumination system, it uses settings from a LightingSettings object. The same LightingSettings object can be assigned to more than one Scene, which makes it possible to share settings across multiple Scenes.

The following example shows how to create a LightingSettings object and assign it to the active Scene using the Lightmapping.lightingSettings API:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class CreateLightingSettingsExample { [MenuItem("Example/Create Lighting Settings")] static void CreateExampleLightingSettings() { // Create an instance of LightingSettings LightingSettings lightingSettings = new LightingSettings();

// Configure the LightingSettings object lightingSettings.albedoBoost = 8.0f;

// Assign the LightingSettings object to the active Scene Lightmapping.lightingSettings = lightingSettings; } }

The following example shows how to create a LightingSettings object, and save it to disk as a Lighting Settings Asset using the AssetDatabase.CreateAsset API.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class CreateLightingSettingsExample { [MenuItem("Example/Create Lighting Settings")] static void SaveExampleLightingSettingsToDisk() { // Create an instance of LightingSettings LightingSettings lightingSettings = new LightingSettings();

// Configure the LightingSettings object lightingSettings.albedoBoost = 8.0f;

// Save it to your Project, using the .lighting extension AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(lightingSettings, "Assets/"); } }


albedoBoostThe intensity of surface albedo throughout the Scene when considered in lighting calculations. This value influences the energy of light at each bounce. (Editor only).
aoWhether to apply ambient occlusion to lightmaps. (Editor only).
aoExponentDirectDetermines the degree to which direct lighting is considered when calculating ambient occlusion in lightmaps. (Editor only).
aoExponentIndirectSets the contrast of ambient occlusion that Unity applies to indirect lighting in lightmaps. (Editor only).
aoMaxDistanceThe distance that a ray travels before Unity considers it to be unoccluded when calculating ambient occlusion in lightmaps. (Editor only).
autoGenerateWhether the Unity Editor automatically precomputes lighting data when the Scene data changes. (Editor only).
bakedGIWhether to enable the Baked Global Illumination system for this Scene.
bouncesSpecifies the maximum number of bounces that the Progressive Lightmapper computes for each light ray. (Editor only).
compressLightmapsWhether to compress the lightmap textures that the Progressive Lightmapper generates. (Editor only)
denoiserTypeAODetermines the type of denoising that the Progressive Lightmapper applies to ambient occlusion in lightmaps. (Editor only).
denoiserTypeDirectDetermines the denoiser that the Progressive Lightmapper applies to direct lighting. (Editor only).
denoiserTypeIndirectDetermines the denoiser that the Progressive Lightmapper applies to indirect lighting. (Editor only).
directionalityModeDetermines whether the lightmapper should generate directional or non-directional lightmaps. (Editor only).
directSampleCountSpecifies the number of samples the Progressive Lightmapper uses for direct lighting calculations. (Editor only).
environmentSampleCountSpecifies the number of samples the Progressive Lightmapper uses when sampling indirect lighting from the skybox. (Editor only).
exportTrainingDataWhether the Progressive Lightmapper exports machine learning training data to the Project folder when it performs the bake. ( Editor only).
extractAOWhether the Progressive Lightmapper extracts Ambient Occlusion to a separate lightmap. (Editor only).
filteringAtrousPositionSigmaAOSpecifies the threshold the Progressive Lightmapper uses to filter direct light stored in the lightmap when using the A-Trous filter. (Editor only).
filteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirectSpecifies the threshold the Progressive Lightmapper uses to filter the indirect lighting component of the lightmap when using the A-Trous filter. (Editor only).
filteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirectSpecifies the radius the Progressive Lightmapper uses to filter the ambient occlusion component in the lightmap when using Gaussian filter. (Editor only).
filteringGaussRadiusAOSpecifies the radius the Progressive Lightmapper uses to filter the direct lighting component of the lightmap when using Gaussian filter. (Editor only).
filteringGaussRadiusDirectSpecifies the radius the Progressive Lightmapper used to filter the indirect lighting component of the lightmap when using Gaussian filter. (Editor only).
filteringGaussRadiusIndirectSpecifies the method used by the Progressive Lightmapper to reduce noise in lightmaps. (Editor only).
filteringModeSpecifies the filter type that the Progressive Lightmapper uses for ambient occlusion. (Editor only).
filterTypeAOSpecifies the filter kernel that the Progressive Lightmapper uses for ambient occlusion. (Editor only).
filterTypeDirectSpecifies the filter kernel that the Progressive Lightmapper uses for the direct lighting. (Editor only).
filterTypeIndirectSpecifies the filter kernel that the Progressive Lightmapper uses for indirect lighting. (Editor only).
indirectResolutionDefines the number of texels that Enlighten uses per world unit when calculating indirect lighting. (Editor only).
indirectSampleCountSpecifies the number of samples the Progressive Lightmapper uses for indirect lighting calculations. (Editor only).
indirectScaleMultiplies the intensity of of indirect lighting in lightmaps. (Editor only).
lightmapMaxSizeThe maximum size in pixels of an individual lightmap texture. (Editor only).
lightmapPaddingSets the distance (in texels) between separate UV tiles in lightmaps. (Editor only).
lightmapperDetermines which backend to use for baking lightmaps in the Baked Global Illumination system. (Editor only).
lightmapResolutionDefines the number of texels to use per world unit when generating lightmaps.
lightProbeSampleCountMultiplierSpecifies the number of samples to use for Light Probes relative to the number of samples for lightmap texels. (Editor only).
mixedBakeModeSets the MixedLightingMode that Unity uses for all Mixed Lights in the Scene. (Editor only).
prioritizeViewWhether the Progressive Lightmapper prioritizes baking visible texels within the frustum of the Scene view. (Editor only).
realtimeEnvironmentLightingDetermines the lightmap that Unity stores environment lighting in.
realtimeGIWhether to enable the Realtime Global Illumination system for this Scene.
russianRouletteStartBounceThe first bounce that Russian Roulette path termination can disable. (Editor only).
trainingDataDestinationDetermines the name of the destination folder for the exported textures. (Editor only).



hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?

Public 関数

GetInstanceIDオブジェクトのインスタンス ID を返します
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

Static 関数

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindObjectOfTypeタイプ type から最初に見つけたアクティブのオブジェクトを返します
FindObjectsOfTypeGets a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
Instantiateoriginal のオブジェクトをクローンします


operator !=二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator ==2つのオブジェクト参照が同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します。
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