Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEditor





isDiscreteCurveReturns true if the binding is a discrete curve. Returns false otherwise. (Read Only)
isPPtrCurveReturns true if the binding is an object curve. Returns false otherwise (Read Only)
isSerializeReferenceCurveReturns true if the binding is to a curve that points to field on a SerializeReference instance. Returns false otherwise. (Read Only)
pathアニメーション化しているオブジェクトの Transform パス
propertyNameThe name of the property to be animated.
typeThe type of the property to be animated.

Static 関数

DiscreteCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a curve where values should not be interpolated.
FloatCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a float curve.
PPtrCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a curve that points to an Object.
SerializeReferenceCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a curve that points to a SerializeReference instance field.
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