Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
IL2CPP scripting backend for UWP
Use managed UWP plug-ins

Use UWP plug-ins with IL2CPP

You can use plug-ins to call code created outside of Unity from your C# scripts. The plug-in model for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is similar to other Unity-supported platforms. For more information about plug-ins with Unity, refer to Plug-ins.

トピック 説明
Use managed UWP plug-ins Understand how to use managed plug-ins.
Call and implement native UWP plug-ins Understand how to call and implement native plug-ins.
Author native UWP plug-ins Understand how to author native plug-ins.
Use P/Invoke Learn the rules and limitations of using P/invoke.


IL2CPP scripting backend for UWP
Use managed UWP plug-ins
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