Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
public static string streamingAssetsPath ;


The path to the StreamingAssets folder (Read Only).

Use the StreamingAssets folder to store assets. At runtime, Application.streamingAssetsPath provides the path to the folder. Add the asset name to Application.streamingAssetsPath. The built application can load the asset at this address. You can use the Debug.Log class to print the path to the StreamingAssets folder to the Unity Console.

You cannot use synchronous filesystem APIs, such as the C# System.IO.File class, to access the StreamingAssets folder on the WebGL and Android platforms. No file access is available on WebGL. Android uses a compressed .apk file. These platforms return a URL. Use the UnityWebRequest class to access the assets.

using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.Video;

// Application-streamingAssetsPath example. // // Play a video and let the user stop/start it. // The video location is StreamingAssets. The video is // played on the camera background.

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { private UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer videoPlayer; private string status;

void Start() { GameObject cam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); videoPlayer = cam.AddComponent<UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer>();

// Obtain the location of the video clip. videoPlayer.url = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "SampleVideo_1280x720_5mb.mp4");

// Restart from beginning when done. videoPlayer.isLooping = true;

// Do not show the video until the user needs it. videoPlayer.Pause();

status = "Press to play"; }

void OnGUI() { GUIStyle buttonWidth = new GUIStyle("button")); buttonWidth.fontSize = 18 * (Screen.width / 800);

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 16, Screen.height / 16, Screen.width / 3, Screen.height / 8), status, buttonWidth)) { if (videoPlayer.isPlaying) { videoPlayer.Pause(); status = "Press to play"; } else { videoPlayer.Play(); status = "Press to pause"; } } } }
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