Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
Position an overlay
Create and manage overlay configurations

Manage overlay layouts

You can set an overlay to display in one of the following layouts:

  • Collapsed: Displays only the overlay’s icon and a downward facing arrow. Click the arrow to display the content of the overlay. If the overlay has no icon, the icon of the collapsed container is the first two letters of the overlay’s label. You can expand collapsed overlays.
  • Panel: Displays all the overlay’s content and its label. You can’t set overlays that are docked to the edges of the Scene view to Panel.
  • Horizontal: Displays the overlay’s content in a horizontal container. An overlay set to the Horizontal layout doesn’t display its label.
  • Vertical: Displays the overlay’s content in a vertical container. An overlay set to the Vertical layout doesn’t display its label.

If you want to save your overlay configuration, refer to Create and manage overlay configurations.

Change the layout of an overlay

Overlays that are not toolbars, such as the Orientation overlay, cannot use the Horizontal or Vertical layouts.

To change the layout of an overlay:

  1. Right-click the handle (=) of an overlay.
  2. Select a layout:
    • If the overlay is not docked to an edge of the Scene view, you can select any layout.
    • If the overlay is docked to an edge of the Scene view, you can only expand or collapse the overlay.

Expand a collapsed overlay

Overlays that aren’t toolbars, such as the Orientation overlay, collapse when they are docked to an edge of the Scene view and can’t be expanded.

To expand an overlay, right-click the handle (=) of a collapsed overlay and select Expand.


Position an overlay
Create and manage overlay configurations
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