Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor.EditorTools



This class manipulates editor tools in the Scene view.

Static 変数

activeContextTypeGets the type of EditorToolContext that is currently active. The default value is GameObjectToolContext.
activeToolTypeGets the type of the EditorTool that is currently active.

Static 関数

IsActiveContextTest if an EditorToolContext is currently the active tool context.
IsActiveToolTest if an EditorTool is currently the active tool.
RefreshAvailableToolsCall RefreshAvailableTools to rebuild the contents of the Scene View Tools Overlay.
RestorePreviousPersistentToolSets the last-used global EditorTool as the active tool.
RestorePreviousToolSets the last-used EditorTool as the active tool.
SetActiveContextSets the active EditorToolContext.
SetActiveToolSets the active EditorTool.


activeContextChangedDefines an event handler for when the active EditorToolContext changes.
activeContextChangingDefines an event handler for when the active EditorToolContext will change.
activeToolChangedDefines an event handler for when the active tool changes.
activeToolChangingDefines an event handler for when the active tool changes.
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