Version: 2020.3
ShaderLab: defining material properties
ShaderLab: assigning a custom editor

ShaderLab: assigning a fallback

This page contains information on using a Fallback block in your ShaderLab code to assign a fallback Shader object. For information on how a Shader object works, and how Unity chooses when to use a fallback, see Shader objects introduction.

렌더 파이프라인 호환성

Feature name 빌트인 렌더 파이프라인 유니버설 렌더 파이프라인(URP) 고해상도 렌더 파이프라인(HDRP) Custom SRP
ShaderLab: Fallback block 지원 지원 지원 지원

Using the Fallback block

To assign a fallback, you place a Fallback block inside a Shader block.

Signature 기능
Fallback "<name>" If no compatible SubShaders are found, use the named Shader object.
Fallback Off Do not use a fallback Shader object in place of this one. If no compatible SubShaders are found, display the error material.

Fallback code examples

This example code demonstrates the syntax for creating a Shader object that has a named fallback.

Shader "Examples/ExampleFallback"
        // Code that defines the SubShader goes here.

              // Code that defines the Pass goes here.

    Fallback "ExampleOtherShader"
ShaderLab: defining material properties
ShaderLab: assigning a custom editor
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