Version: 2020.3
Shader compilation: targeting shader models and GPU features
셰이더 시맨틱

Shader compilation: targeting graphics APIs

By default, Unity compiles all shader programs for all supported graphics APIs. You can tell the compiler to exclude or include specific APIs. This is useful when you use shader language features that are not supported on all platforms.

Including or excluding graphics APIs

To compile a shader program only for a given graphics API, use the #pragma only_renderers directive. To exclude given APIs from compilation, use the #pragma exclude_renderers directive.


# pragma only_renderers d3d11

For more information on pragma directives, see Shader compilation: pragma directives.

Supported graphics API names

Supported names are:

상태 Renderer
d3d11 Direct3D 11/12
glcore OpenGL 3.x/4.x
gles OpenGL ES 2.0
gles3 OpenGL ES 3.x
metal iOS/Mac Metal
vulkan Vulkan
d3d11_9x Direct3D 11 9.x 기능 레벨, WSA 플랫폼에서 주로 사용
xboxone Xbox One
ps4 PlayStation 4
n3ds Nintendo 3DS
wiiu Nintendo Wii U
Shader compilation: targeting shader models and GPU features
셰이더 시맨틱
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