Version: 2020.3
반사 노멀 맵 버텍스 릿
Writing shaders

Using Shader Graph

Shader Graph is a tool that enables you to build shaders visually. Instead of writing code, you create and connect nodes in a graph framework. Shader Graph gives instant feedback that reflects your changes, and it’s simple enough for users who are new to shader creation.

Shaders created using Shader Graph.
Shaders created using Shader Graph.

렌더 파이프라인 호환성

기능 빌트인 렌더 파이프라인 유니버설 렌더 파이프라인(URP) 고해상도 렌더 파이프라인(HDRP) Custom Scriptable Render Pipeline
셰이더 그래프 지원 안 함 지원 지원 지원 안 함

Getting started with Shader Graph

For instructions on installing and working with Shader Graph, see the Shader Graph documentation.

반사 노멀 맵 버텍스 릿
Writing shaders
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