Version: 2020.3


class in UnityEngine.WSA

매뉴얼로 전환


Represents tile on Windows start screen

This class can be used to create or update secondary tiles on start screen and get instances of tiles to send notifications to them.

정적 변수

mainReturns applications main tile


existsWhether secondary tile is pinned to start screen.
hasUserConsentWhether secondary tile was approved (pinned to start screen) or rejected by user.
idA unique string, identifying secondary tile

Public 함수

DeleteShow a request to unpin secondary tile from start screen.
PeriodicBadgeUpdateStarts periodic update of a badge on a tile.
PeriodicUpdateStarts periodic update of a tile.
RemoveBadgeRemove badge from tile.
StopPeriodicBadgeUpdateStops previously started periodic update of a tile.
StopPeriodicUpdateStops previously started periodic update of a tile.
UpdateSend a notification for tile (update tiles look).
UpdateBadgeImageSets or updates badge on a tile to an image.
UpdateBadgeNumberSet or update a badge on a tile to a number.

정적 함수

CreateOrUpdateSecondaryCreates new or updates existing secondary tile.
DeleteSecondaryShow a request to unpin secondary tile from start screen.
ExistsWhether secondary tile is pinned to start screen.
GetSecondariesGets all secondary tiles.
GetSecondaryReturns the secondary tile, identified by tile id.
GetTemplateGet template XML for tile notification.
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