Version: 2020.1
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


SessionState is a Key-Value Store intended for storing and retrieving Editor session state that should survive assembly reloading.

The state information stored in SessionState is cleared when Unity exits. For storing state information that should be persistent across Unity Editor sessions use EditorPrefs.

정적 함수

EraseBoolErase a Boolean entry in the key-value store.
EraseFloatErase a Float entry in the key-value store.
EraseIntErase an Integer entry in the key-value store.
EraseIntArrayErase an Integer array entry in the key-value store.
EraseStringErase a String entry in the key-value store.
EraseVector3Erase a Vector3 entry in the key-value store.
GetBoolRetrieve a Boolean value.
GetFloatRetrieve a Float value.
GetIntRetrieve an Integer value.
GetIntArrayRetrieve an Integer array.
GetStringRetrieve a String value.
GetVector3Retrieve a Vector3.
SetBoolStore a Boolean value.
SetFloatStore a Float value.
SetIntStore an Integer value.
SetIntArrayStore an Integer array.
SetStringStore a String value.
SetVector3Store a Vector3.
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