Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEngine.Rendering

매뉴얼로 전환


Render Pipeline manager.

정적 변수

currentPipelineReturns the active RenderPipeline.
pipelineSwitchCompletedIndicate when Render Pipeline switch is in progress.


activeRenderPipelineAssetChangedDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code when the current RenderPipelineAsset between frames has changed.
activeRenderPipelineTypeChangedDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code when Unity changes the active render pipeline, and the new RenderPipeline has a different type to the old one.
beginCameraRenderingDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code before Unity renders an individual Camera.
beginContextRenderingDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code at the start of RenderPipeline.Render.
beginFrameRenderingDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code at the start of RenderPipeline.Render.
endCameraRenderingDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code after Unity renders an individual Camera.
endContextRenderingDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code at the end of RenderPipeline.Render.
endFrameRenderingDelegate that you can use to invoke custom code at the end of RenderPipeline.Render.
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