Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
Unity의 에셋 팩
커스텀 에셋 팩 생성

Play Asset Delivery 설정

Play Asset DeliveryAndroid 앱 번들 (AAB)에 대한 에셋 분할 솔루션입니다. Play Asset Delivery를 사용하려면 프로젝트를 다음으로 설정해야 합니다.

  1. Use the AAB publishing format. For information on how to do this, refer to Publishing format.
  2. Split the application binary. For information on how to do this, refer to Splitting the application binary. If Split Application Binary is grayed out, it means your current Unity Editor version doesn’t support Play Asset Delivery. To resolve this, update the Unity Editor. All versions of Unity from 2021.3 support Play Asset Delivery. Support was also added for previous Unity versions in the following patch releases:
  3. 2019.4.29f1
  4. 2020.3.15f2
  5. 2021.1.16f1
  6. 2021.2.0f1

When you build your application, Unity creates an AAB that includes your application split into a base module and asset packs. For more information, refer to Asset packs in Unity.

Important: Unity uses the PLAY_ASSET_PACKS Gradle template variable to specify which asset packs to include in the Android App Bundle. If you use a custom Gradle template that was created before Unity supported Play Asset Delivery, your template won’t contain this variable. Because Unity automatically generates the values for this variable, it’s best practice to recreate your Gradle template file from the current Unity version and reapply your modifications on top.

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Unity의 에셋 팩
커스텀 에셋 팩 생성
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