Version: 5.6


class in UnityEngine.VR

매뉴얼로 전환


Global VR related settings.

정적 변수

enabledGlobally enables or disables VR for the application.
eyeTextureHeightThe current height of an eye texture for the loaded device.
eyeTextureWidthThe current width of an eye texture for the loaded device.
isDeviceActiveRead-only value that can be used to determine if the VR device is active.
loadedDeviceNameType of VR device that is currently loaded.
renderScaleControls the texel:pixel ratio before lens correction, trading performance for sharpness.
renderViewportScaleControls the texel:pixel ratio before lens correction, trading performance for sharpness.
showDeviceViewMirror what is shown on the device to the main display, if possible.
supportedDevicesReturns a list of supported VR devices that were included at build time.

정적 함수

LoadDeviceByNameLoads the requested device at the beginning of the next frame.
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