Version: 2020.2
Getting started with VR development in Unity
Configuring your Unity Project for XR

XR Plug-in Framework

Unity 2019.3 and newer versions use a new, unified plug-in framework that enables direct integrations for multiple platforms. The tech stack consists of an API that exposes common functionality across the platforms Unity supports and enables XR hardware and software providers to develop their own Unity plug-ins.

This diagram illustrates the current Unity XR plug-in framework structure, and how it works with platform provider implementations.
This diagram illustrates the current Unity XR plug-in framework structure, and how it works with platform provider implementations.

This architecture offers the following benefits:

  • Multi-platform developer tools such as AR Foundation and the XR Interaction Toolkit
  • Faster partner updates from supported plug-ins via the Unity Package Manager
  • More platforms have access to an interface to leverage Unity’s XR rendering optimizations and developer tools

To configure your Unity Project for XR, follow the steps outlined on the Configuring your Unity Project for XR page.

Getting started with VR development in Unity
Configuring your Unity Project for XR
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