可使用两种方法在 Unity 中创建__瓦片 (Tile)__ 资源;第一种方法是从 Assets 菜单直接创建瓦片资源。第二种方法是从一组精灵自动生成瓦片资源。
通过将纹理放入 Assets 文件夹,即可将瓦片地图的各个瓦片或瓦片集导入 Unity 项目。选择导入的图像可以在 Inspector 窗口中查看其纹理导入器 (Texture Importer) 设置。
导入精灵供瓦片地图中使用时,请使用以下建议设置。有关每项设置的更多信息,请参阅 Texture Type: Sprite (2D and UI) 文档。
Create a Tile directly from the Assets menu by going to Assets > Create > Tile. You will be prompted to name and save the new blank Tile Asset to your chosen location. Refer to the documentation on Tile Assets for more information about the Asset properties.
Tiles can be automatically generated by bringing the individual Sprites or Sprite sheets of the Tiles directly into the Tile Palette window (if the window is not open, go to Window > 2D > Tile Palette).
First prepare and import the Tile Sprites, then open the ‘New Palette’ drop-down menu in the Tile Palette window. Select an existing Tile Palette from the list, or select ‘Create New Palette’ to open the Create New Palette dialog box.
After selecting the properties of the Tile Palette (refer to the Tile Palettes documentation for more information about the different options), select Create to open the new Palette in the window.
After creating or loading a Palette, drag and drop Textures or Sprites from the Assets folder directly onto the Tile Palette window. You will be prompted for the save location for the new Tile Assets. Select the save location, and the new Tile Assets are generated in the selected folder. The generated Tiles are also automatically placed onto the Palette.